Thursday, March 20, 2014

Optimization in China

Europe plans to attack the fiscal optimization and in particular the case of the pricesof transfer. The movement of the Secretary of the SME(SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) and the digital Economy in the Silicon Valley.

Optimization of business in China

These business connections remain complex and apparently in our disfavor. While the Chinese market is very offensive, it diversifies and takes advantage of a full growth while the innovations are made in our western research centers. In certain sectors, as the aeronautics or the electronics, our companies gain forced successes but in the domestic domain which concerns the largest number of Chinese customers our exports are limited because little competitive with the local income.
In Beijing and in the rest of the country, other sectors, as that of the health, are not opened to the international competition. I so reminded to Mrs Secretary that our trade with China is five times lower than those of Germany and that it was nourishing in our territories of intense concerns.

The Optimization Purchases

I wished to know if to remedy the trade deficit noticed between France and China, the ministry dedicated or not a unit specialized in the exchanges with China. To relieve the information in region, I asked for which domains strong profitability for our SMEs/SMIs and other big national groups had been identified and which creative measures of market shares and what new tracks were envisaged? The deficit of these exchanges amounted in 2011 to 27 billion euros I wanted to know if the experts envisaged an improvement for the balance assessment of year 2012. But for one and a half month, there is still no answer.

THE OPTIMIZATION PURCHASES is a custom usually lasting 8 weeks including the phases 1, 2 and 3 of the process below. At first our objective is to realize a detailed analysis of your budget purchase to propose you solutions concrete and adapted to its optimization. After our analysis, we shall work together on the key points to be improved and we shall present you the suppliers corresponding to your needs in valuable and quality terms.

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