Thursday, March 20, 2014

Optimization in China

Europe plans to attack the fiscal optimization and in particular the case of the pricesof transfer. The movement of the Secretary of the SME(SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) and the digital Economy in the Silicon Valley.

Optimization of business in China

These business connections remain complex and apparently in our disfavor. While the Chinese market is very offensive, it diversifies and takes advantage of a full growth while the innovations are made in our western research centers. In certain sectors, as the aeronautics or the electronics, our companies gain forced successes but in the domestic domain which concerns the largest number of Chinese customers our exports are limited because little competitive with the local income.
In Beijing and in the rest of the country, other sectors, as that of the health, are not opened to the international competition. I so reminded to Mrs Secretary that our trade with China is five times lower than those of Germany and that it was nourishing in our territories of intense concerns.

The Optimization Purchases

I wished to know if to remedy the trade deficit noticed between France and China, the ministry dedicated or not a unit specialized in the exchanges with China. To relieve the information in region, I asked for which domains strong profitability for our SMEs/SMIs and other big national groups had been identified and which creative measures of market shares and what new tracks were envisaged? The deficit of these exchanges amounted in 2011 to 27 billion euros I wanted to know if the experts envisaged an improvement for the balance assessment of year 2012. But for one and a half month, there is still no answer.

THE OPTIMIZATION PURCHASES is a custom usually lasting 8 weeks including the phases 1, 2 and 3 of the process below. At first our objective is to realize a detailed analysis of your budget purchase to propose you solutions concrete and adapted to its optimization. After our analysis, we shall work together on the key points to be improved and we shall present you the suppliers corresponding to your needs in valuable and quality terms.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Growth of the market of electronic devices in China

Market of electronic devices market in China

The market of the electronic products of China will maintain a fast growth in coming five years, could realize a 600 billion yuan business volume in 2009, according to the newspaper "China Quality Daily".
Luo Wen, vice-president of the Institute of Development and Search  for the industry of the electronic information of China, indicated that China played at present a role determining in the world electronics industry.

The market of the electronic products of China will maintain a fast growth in coming five years, could realize a 600 billion yuan business volume in 2009, according to the newspaper "China Quality Daily".

China now plays a crucial role in this industry

Luo Wen, vice-president of the Institute of Development and Search  for the industry of the electronic information of China, indicated that China played at present a role determining in the world electronics industry.

The sales of digital cameras and video recorded respectively a 94,4 % increase and of 116,2 % last year, and this rate of high growth will be maintained in five years, noted the article.
French start-ups are principally common in China. Truly Chinese increase in value their interests and their ability in a varied assortment of areas. Multimedia and High-Technology are two of these fields in which French investors are appreciated.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Interview of travel Market in Asia

Interview of 

Burma is a country full of resources even though its economy is one of the least developed in the world . It is important to know before you go to Burma as the main sectors are : agriculture, textile, mining and oil industries .  

Burma an INTERESTING Potential  

 Although Burma has not been a preferred supplier of major Western brands , the junta had a big impact on the success of the textile market . This can be explained by a lack of budget and finance. Industries such as weaving and dyeing are not competitive with those of other countries. The country tries to open up to globalization and reap its benefits . Today , foreign investments represent more than $ 6 billion and large groups are all interested in Burma. Textiles still represents the vast majority of manufactured exports and a significant part of the Burmese GDP. Plants confections, yet still few , will benefit at least part of these investments. The use of credit cards is still difficult in most of the country . Only a few major hotels in the most places accept under certain conditions, generally disadvantageous for the traveler. For cons , the nstallation DAB generalizes including Yangon , Bagan , Mandalay, and Taungyi Moulamying where Visa and MasterCard are accepted. U.S. dollars and Euros are easily changed in the country Kyats , which is the local money. The rate of exchange is about the same everywhere, although it is more interesting to Yangon . currency exchange at the airport is a good option. Current expenditures continue to make Kyats for small purchases (restaurants , souvenirs, etc. ) and in U.S. dollars and Euros for a little more substantial , such as hotels expenses. Go through our agency will advance to book your hotels and trips by private car or theft, your exemption so having too much cash on you ( although Myanmar remains for the moment an extremely safe country ) . source :  

Like you I am an unconditional market , this is the first thing that I visit ... In Burma I love, it is very typical ! Of course ALL markets around Inle Lake are great! In Yangon , there is a small market in India's neighborhood is not bad. Otherwise, Mandalay is pretty interesting. If you have the opportunity to go one above, I love the Pyin U Lwin , there are vendors of strawberries is pretty amazing in Asia. The atmosphere of Pyin U Lwin is very special. I was very disappointed by the Hsipaw , I expected to see some benefit minorities. I liked that of Bagan, the outer part because otherwise they are tourist shops . The dollar exchange with the FEC 200 is no longer required at the airport. Official windows offering an attractive rate ( dollars, euros) are recently opened in Yangon and Mandalay . The exchange rate is higher at these counters on the black market. Foreigners can easily change the counters showing their passports but it is still difficult for local do.   Dollars that you take must be new . The Burmese are very sensitive to dollars and tickets even slightly damaged, such as a small fold line , a spot of ink , etc ... will not be accepted , which often poses problems.

 Your mobile phone does not work in Burma. Calls for Europe will be taxed at your hotel very expensive, about 7 or 8 U.S. $ per minute and may be interrupted frequently. As the phone does not work, you can instellar the logical " Viber " on your phone ( smartphone) . This will allow you to call all your contacts will also instellé " Viber " . Attention must install before leaving France . Then it will work if you have access to networks ' WIFI " .   Internet works in almost all hotels . Some hotels offer this service for free and others charge about U.S. $ 3 per hour. You can also easily find cafes in big cities but not in the rest of the country. The connection works best in Internet cafes in hotels and in principle cheaper. It is possible to call in Europe through an Internet connection, but it is common that the communication is interrupted.   Health insurance is strongly advised to take out travel insurance to come to Myanmar . Ensure that medical repatriation by plane in an emergency is also covered and included in your benefits for travel agencies and transport companies in Myanmar are not insured . You are also responsible to be covered in case of injury , personal expenses not provided or trip cancellation.   see also Burma 

What you need to know about birmanie/ myanmar

 Vaccines & Health No vaccinations are required for Burma , but it is better to be vaccinated against Hepatitis A and B against typhoid fever if you are planning a long stay in rural areas .   Luggage If your final destination is Burma , you must register your luggage to Yangon airport or other Burmese even if you change your airline on your trip .   For postcards it is better that the cards are stamped at the post office and they are sent to Yangon . The journey takes about 2 weeks for Europe.   Tips are appreciated in the tourism drivers, guides , waiters in restaurants, porters , etc. .... The custom, if you are satisfied with your trip is to give to the whole group about 3-5 U.S. $ per day for the driver and 5 to U.S. $ 10 per day for your guide.   The airport tax should no longer pay the airport tax to leave the country since 2012 .   Medically necessary • Aspirin, Paracetamol
• intestinal antiseptic
• disinfectant cream against mosquito bites , minor injuries or burns
• Drugs against diarrhea
• Antibiotic
• Anti- mosquito
 • Dressings and elastic bands
• We must learn before departure regarding prevention against malaria
• Personal medication to bring enough for not to buy in Burma
• Sanitary napkins
• Sunscreen with high protection What to take in your luggage
• Flip-flops to visit pagodas as they visit exclusively barefoot
• A hat , sunscreen and sunglasses, the sun is very strong !
• Lightweight but protective clothing , preferably cotton .

Avoid shorts and tops too short for women and men. This is frowned upon by the Burmese people, and especially to visit the pagodas   (sacred temples)
• A sweater or fleece mountains, a windbreaker , closed shoes or walking shoes for trekking .
 • Anti -mosquito products
• From the disinfectant cream to clean hands without water.
• A flashlight as in some hotels, the electricity only works at night • A backpack for the day (if you go to the Golden Rock or trekking )
• A pharmacy pocket with your regular medications
 • A photo camera and memory cards sufficiency What not to do in Burma
• Do not drink tap water and this throughout the country
• Do not eat raw vegetables during the journey except in the hotels and restaurants of upper class
• Do not enter a pagoda or a monastery with shoes or socks must be barefoot , even to visit the houses because all have an altar dedicated to Buddha
 • Do not kiss in public
• Do not use the feet to describe or show something
• Do not turn the feet to the monks when sitting
 • Do not take photos of government and military buildings, such as , barracks, some bridge