Thursday, August 14, 2014

Developing China market of technology

Developing China market of technology

Reach agreement in technological sector

China market

At the beginning of 2002, tablets drives made in China were blocked in customs in several countries of Europe, because the manufacturers had not settled the rights of the used patents. Afterward, Philips, Sony, and Pioneer began a legal battle in front of the European Court of Justice, pressing the Chinese manufacturers of tablets drives so that they pay the rights of the used technologies. Initially, the wanted payment was 20 US dollars by reader, sum considered as too high by the Chinese part which put forward an only 90-dollar sale price by device. Later, they also reached agreements with other companies for the payment of rights: 4 % of the sale price or 4 dollars by reader to NEC, Panasonic, Toshiba, JVC, Mitsubishi, and Time Warner, 10 dollars to DTS, 4,95 dollars to Dolby Laboratories, and 2,5 dollars with Mysimax. More recently, Thomson, the partner of TCL, asked for the payment of 1 or 1,5 dollars by reader, according to his place of sale, in China or abroad. According to Daxue Consulting, at least 50 million tablets were made in China in 2003, the total sum in game is thus very important.

Daxue Consulting
Daxue Consulting provides market research tools to analyze high-tech sectors in China

Practices in Chinese economy

Such practices are typical of the Chinese industry during the last ten years. Multinationals gradually relocated the manufacturing of their electronic consumer goods of the United States and Japan towards Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong-Kong, and then towards China and other countries to the cheap workforce. They use the patents of key technologies as levers and concentrate on the development of the technologies of the next generation of these products.
China is supposed to absorb and to assimilate these technologies imported to develop gradually national products and progress in the technological scale. Unfortunately, it does not so take place. Situated at the end of the chain, China has other choice no than to continue to pay for the use of foreign technologies. At the same time, the homogenization and the everyday acceptance of these products pull the Chinese firms in valuable wars.

Example in manufacturing sector in China

According to SJ Grand, the phenomenon does not limit itself to the industry of electronic consumer goods. Let us take the example of Legend, the main Chinese manufacturer of tablets staff. In 1998, it exceeded IBM and became leading on the Chinese market. But as said by Liu Chuanzhi, his president, the company especially played a role of "locomotive (banyungong)" for the technologies.

More information: here / JX Paulin / here

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