Friday, July 4, 2014

China market of nursing home is growing

China market of nursing home is growing

 For the French specialists of retirement homes, China market is the new El Dorado as well as China market of mini cars in China. Companies as Coliseum, Orpea and DomusVi already try to become established on this market in the immense potential, but have to be patient and of humility in front of cultural gap to be filled.

China market of nursing home and mini cars are huge in China

«The expansion in China is a logical solution for groups which can feel cramped in France ", judge Pascal Brunelet, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Group Coliseum, who participated in the 14th Congress of the national Labor unionof establishments and residences deprived for the elderly, organized on June 5th and 6th in Antibes. He is also an important person of the market of mini cars in China.
In spite of its small size (3000 beds for 54 establishments in France), Coliseum dashed into the Chinese adventure 8 years ago, by creating the Coliseum Beijing subsidiary China, based in Beijing. Its objective: create 50 nursing homes in the Middle Kingdom before 5 years.
But in China, «patience and humility are the key words ", mister Brunelet warns. In June, the group of Bordeaux " is going to put down the statuses of a joint-venture with a Chinese partner and a building permit should be granted in September, for the opening of a first establishment of 200 beds to Guangzhou at the end of 2015 ", he specifies. The China market of mini-cars are expending in line with nursing home.

Other example in the China market

Following the example of Coliseum, Orpea signed in March a protocol with living districts and hospital in Nankin, for the development of a nursing home of 180 beds.
At the same time, DomusVi (number three of the sector in France) signed a partnership agreement with Hanfor, a Chinese investment fund, creating the Duomei company, which will allow him to manage in China 100 retirement homes and 20 agencies of home help before five years.

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