Here is the analysis and the testimony of Edouard Allas , a major figure in the industrial world who shares his thoughts on China and its growing us.
"China , unlike India , focused on buildings and infrastructure. Thus, the Chinese cement market represents 40% of the global market. "
With its enterprise established in different regions of China , Edouard Allas very familiar with the economics of this country.
"China is a great paradox that co- exist a thriving and underdevelopment . The contrast is huge between coastal China and the interior, although today these differences fade with the development of cities in western China . "
The Chinese market is continuous but very anarchic . The Chinese model is very different from that of Japan since China is the kingdom of individualism. This feature gives it the edge over its competitors in the Far East.
Its growth rate is very high ( between 7 and 9 % on average ), but profitability for business is difficult and time consuming to obtain.
In this issue, Edouard Allasalso shares his experience in procurement with China, tedious negotiations where nothing is ever claimed him.
To know more: China research