Market research
Introduce products in a foreign market still requires a relatively large capital commitment , the group product and marketing policy , but in any case it will be a demanding process of labor and capital.
It will not be using any method that can succeed in effective implementation of its products. The Chinese market is promising but at the same time very competitive and demanding .
The most effective choice of method for the export to China and the introduction of products should be based on an analysis of several factors, according to several perspectives: market receptivity , structure of the consumer group , the type of products already present on the market in the area, degree of presence of firms and competitors. A study of solid market provides information not only on the current state of the market in the segment covered , but also to determine what would be the possible reactions to the introduction of a new product , and if the method of introduction considered ( pricing, method of distribution of products, marketing quotes ) will lead to a satisfactory effect .
Our market research, developed in collaboration with Chinese professional firms , include an analysis of all the factors necessary for a decision to start a business in China and to the choice of the method of introduction of products in the market . In the preparation of market research we work closely with our customers to confirm with them the breadth and depth of the study and the range of issues that will be detailed in the report, so that our customers will find in the report a complete response to all the issues raised.
China perspective
Focus group china
FG China